Strengths and Weakness


He takes long-term view when he feels a sense of commitment to those who associate with him. He wants to develop long-lasting relationships and leave an unparalleled heritage for the future.

The future is generally considered to be a core concern of He’s planning process. The central objective of his planning is to make decisions in the present that will direct future activities planned to make developments for the benefit of the business community. 

His desire to succeed and to excel is innate. Achievement motivation is fundamental to his personal life. He, all together, enjoys life and feels in control. Being motivated by achievements keeps him positive and gives him self-respect.

His is attracted to interesting ideas and possibilities. Furthermore, he has an inherent desire to help young entrepreneurs to develop ideas and organize their thinking. For He, being capable to organize ideas and thoughts is a higher order thinking skill and a very cognitive educative experience.

He organizes and coordinates extremely well. Everyone has the opportunity to discover the right places in the team so as to appreciate his/ her full productive potential. He has very friendly relations amid the team members, and not simply professional exchanges. Every person, in his team, adds his/ her interests, views and principles to the company culture.

He makes decisions readily and decisively. Decision-making is an inevitable element of He’s activities. He has the right attitude to make the right decisions. He believes that every difficulty, correctly perceived, develops into an opportunity. In every problematic situation, He, views the problem as opportunity rather than a problem.

He likes to be in control of what he does. He does not believe in predetermined destiny. He believes that an individual’s own decisions govern the affairs of his life. His own mastery has taught him to choose. He believes that destiny is not a matter of chance, but it is a matter of choice.

He is not deterred by uncertainty. He has a very clear picture of what he wants out of life and what he will require to acquire it.

He values truthfulness, sincerity and honesty. Being free of the insincere ideal of honesty allows him to perform suitably, logically, and profitably, in all circumstances.

He observes details carefully, thorough cooperative temperament. Cooperation enables He to do better. He believes that the wider the scale of the cooperation, the more effective it is.

He is careful, cautious and a conservative-decision maker. As he ponders the possible results of his decisions, he often thinks about risk. While thinking about risks, he finds it convenient to reflect on the concept of a risk-neutral decision.

 He likes to take risks (moderate and calculated). While taking risks is elemental to He’s method, he does thorough research and analysis methodologies to guarantee that each and every risk is carefully planned.

He is unaffected by disapproval or criticisms made by others. He conceives himself as an essential part of the universe. He is spiritual, modest, and content. These traits are adaptively advantageous when he is dealing with his critics.

He is not easily discouraged. His persistence mirrors a genetic preconception in the continuation of his behavior in spite of aggravation, exhaustion, and sporadic fortification. He is an extremely hard working, perseverant, and a determined overachiever who tends to strengthen his efforts in reaction to expected rewards and perceives aggravation and exhaustion as a personal test.

He handles stressful, demanding conditions well. He is capable of adapting his behavior in line with individually selected, intended goals derived from a practical assessment of details.

He has the ability to develop and maintain friendship consistent with the level of social competence of any culture.

He is extremely good-natured and kind. He has a relaxed and cheerful nature

He is modest and humble. His character is marked by simplicity. He has a humble opinion of himself

He has a very calm, placid personality. He hardly ever criticizes and tends to get along with his associates very easily.

He is emotionally solid and consistent. He has the aptitude to recognize, appreciate, and wisely handle his emotions in all his relationships. He is adaptable and open and compassionate toward others. He has a greater sensation and awareness of social responsibility and is more interpersonally proficient.


He is Diabetic. This is because; often diabetes goes undiagnosed as many of its symptoms give the impression to be so harmless.

He has a habit of using complicated, confusing technical words in writing or in presentation.

He finds it difficult to promptly establish a working relationship with unfamiliar people

He has an un-structured and un-predictable behavior. This behavior sometimes leaves him with the experience of being on an “emotional roller coaster.”

He changes priorities too quickly. He sometimes suffers from a double minded thinking. He keeps on changes his mind about what he wants or what he needs to do to go further whether in a business deal or his personal life. This thinking and re-thinking then leads to a double minded attitude which in turn leads to changes in one’s priorities in business or personal affairs. This of course is a disturbing habit and adds or is responsible for many of the other drawbacks that He faces in his personal traits.